Sunday, February 16, 2014


Unemployment- % of people who do not have jobs but are in the labor force

  • Labor force- the number of people  employed + # of people unemployed
People who are excluded from the labor force

  • Kids
  • military personal
  • Mentally insane
  • locked up
  • stay at home parents
  • full time student
  • retired people
  • Discouraged workers
employed vs unemployed

  • Employed : people 16 and older who have a job
  • Unemployed : people 16 or older and have actually looked for a job for two weeks
  • Unemployment rate: # of unemployed/labor force x 100
Types of unemployment
1.seasonal- mall Santa, life guard
2.Frictional-between jobs,leaving one job for someting bigger and better
3.strucural unemployment-lack of skill or declining industrys
4.cyclical -bad for soceity and individuals ( reccesion)

 Full employment-occurs when  there is no cyclical unemployment
okuns law- every one percent in unemployment over the NRU there is a 2 percent decline in real gdp
Rule of 70- 70 / rate of change

Introduction to inflation

consumer price index
 Measures the market basket of goods for a typical american family
Formula: cost of market basket in a year/cost of market basket in a base year
 x 100.

  • Real GDP is adjusted for inflation
  • Inflation -general rise of a price level
  • Deflation general fall of the price level
Rate of inflation
CPI2-CPI1/CPI1 x 100
 New minus old over old

Types of inflations

  • cost push inflation- higher production of cost which increase prices
  • demand pull inflation-too many dollars chasing too few goods
  • political panics- recession or depression
Inflation help

  • Debtors
Inflation hurt

  • lenders
  • savers
  • people with fixed wages

Nominal vs Real GDP

Nominal GDP- value of output produced in current prices
(can increase year to year )

  • Formula : P x Q. Of the current year.
  • used to find inflation
Real GDP- value of output produced in base year price

  • real GDP can increase only if output increase.
  • Formual : P x Q. Price of the base year times the quantity of the current year.
Ex: Determine nominal GDP
 Year 1 (Base year) 10 computers sold at $2000 ach and 15 tv sold at $500 dollars each. Year 4 17 computer sold @ $2,200 each and 20 tv sold @$550 each.

                        Computers                         Tv
year 1           10@$2000                     15@ $500
                      total: $20,000                  Total 7,500

Year 2         17@ 2,200                      20@ 550
                         =$37,400                   = $11,000

Answers : Real GDP for year 4 =$4400
Nominal for year 4= $48,400
Nominal vs real Gdp video

GDP Deflator
  • Base year GDP is always 100
  • Years before the base year its less than 100
  • years after the base years the deflator is more than 100


GDP formulas

GNP- (Gross national product)- Total value of all final  goods and services produced by Americans in a given year.

Expenditure approach ( Goods and services)

  • GDP= C+IG+G+XN
  • C- personal consumption ( final goods and services)
  • Ig- Gross private domestic investment (inventory)
  • G- government spending
  • Xn- ( net exports- net imports)
Income approach (factors of productions)

  • GDP=W+R+I+P+Statistical adjustments
  •  W- wages (salaries/compensations)
  • R-Rents (rental income)
  • I-interest (interest income)
  • P-Proprietors income
  • Statistical adjustments- To match expenditure approach
Budget deficit-total amount that the government borrows with in a year

  • Transfer payments+govt purchase of goods and services- government tax and fee collection
  • Deficit +         surplus-

  • Deficit -     surplus +
National income
NI=compensation of employees+proprietors income+rental income+interest income+corporation profit
                          NI= GDP-indirect business tax-depreciation-net foreign factor

Disposable income
DPI=NI-household taxes (personal taxes)+Government transfer payment

Net domestic product

Net national product

Gross National Product
GDP-Net foreign factor payment

Introduction to GDP

Gross domestic product (GDP)- total value of all goods and services produced within a country borders with in a given year. and all production an income earned.
 - production needs to be finished on american soil.

Elements included in GDP

  • Final goods and services
  • Income earned (W.R.I.P) -wages ,rent ,income, proprietors 
  • Interest payment on corporate bonds 
  • Current production of final goods and services
  • Unsold output (inventory)
Elements excluded in GDP

  • Intermediate good- if included can cause double counting
  • Transfer payments (public on private)                                                                                                 -Scholarships                                                                                                                                     -social security
  • purchase of stocks and bonds
  • None market transactions                                                                                                                       - Babysitting                                                                                                                                      - illegal drugs

 Here is a video to explain more

Circle flow diagram

                                        Here is a video to help with the circular Flow model

circular flow

Circular flow model represents the flow of money ,Goods and services.

  • Factor market (resources)- Market where factors of production are bought and sold.
  • Product market ( goods)- where goods and services are bought and sold
  1. households- a person or a group that share income
  2. Firm-organization that produces goods and services for sell.
Types of Markets

  • Traditional economic system in which decisions are made upon belief,customs and religion. Ex: most places in Africa
  • Communist: economy is under the governments control: the government answers all questions about the economy. Ex: Cuba
  •  Mixed economy: mixed some government involvement with the economy and private. Ex: USA